An idea for a basic guide for new profession creation
I see that many people are posting ideas of new professions or classes for existing professions. I would like to see a little more creativity/effort being put into their ideas. I'm not saying don't post your ideas but rather tinker with them and really consider what you are about to suggest.
I also like the creative people to consider the following before making specific spells/skills to compliment their ideas.
1. What role will this profession play? Melee, range, support, Damage dealer, etc.
2. What benefits can this character bring to GW as a team based character not as a power house solo profession.
3. Consider it actually HAVING weaknesses. An all powerful "stand alone" profession has no place in GW.
4. Does this profession even "blend" into the GW story? for example if Ninjas are to be added..... where did they come from? A foreign land cannot be the answer because the humans are basically surrounded by impassable barriers BEFORE the charr invasion eg. maguuma jungle, crystal desert. I just can't picture a Ninja walking through Lions Arch shouting WTS or WTB....
5. After considering the basics above give the people and perhaps a dev a little more of an idea of what you’re talking about generally don't compare it to something existing eg. a ranger, knight, dragoon. Just say a melee character that focuses more on attack speed than taking and dealing moderate damage. This way it will encourage people to add some ideas to your profession without it being restricted to the perception that everyone has about that type of profession.
6. Add some skills but seriously think about it. A skill that lets say knocks down a target for a minute is too powerful. YES I do suggest Nerfing your professions before you post them. This way people can complain about it being too weak and actually suggest that the profession should be made stronger. Everyone dislikes nerfing so turn the problem upside down with anti-nerfing
Also comment on this guide for character creation. I like to see ideas so we can kind of standardise the procedures. Oh... if you dun like the profession guide idea your welcome to add your two cents worth.